
Due to all the comments I had received on the site, I felt it was in my best interest to let the site know how I felt without being obnoxious about it. I felt a subtle cartoon was in order to relay sentiments from both sides.
"Ok ... now I want to hear comments !!!!! Especially from you "quiet" folks!!!!!! "

Even the President was part of the September 6, 2002 celebration. He did this all on his own. I didn't have to ask him. Talk about solidarity!!
"And I wear it on good authority!!Even the prez has really good taste!!! (o: "

Another solidarity Onion posting from September 6, 2002. Look at all that blue!!!
"What can I say????"

Here is the 2nd post for September 6, 2002. This was when the great inspiration started to cycle through my brain... surging, ever working, ever getting back at those who scoff on my good intentions.
"Even as far back as Mac's old math class, the wearing of the plaid was "in"!!!heehehehe "

September 6, 2002, the day the dam broke! A total of 5 posting this day. The bug bit me ... here is where there is no return!

This was the first one. Showing solidarity of those who attended the MHS Onion.
"I wish you folks would stop complaining about my attire. I am not a trend setter, but rather a follower as you can see by these untouched pics from the Onion.No matter how hard you try, Paula .... ~(o: "

Well, second thoughts can be ... well, mistakes. So, the plunge into the Plaid, Plaid World was made by my nemesis. Little did I know how much trouble this would start.

This was posted 9-5-02.

"hehehehe. THIS is the WES we all know and love. Plaid Boy and Lip Boy all rolled up in one. Nice chest, Wes. I could use you on the floor in front of my fireplace. ;o)~ "