
... then he had the nerve to complain about what I did!

So, I guess you could call this an anti-plaid posting. The only one. I hate taking back what I publish! Posted February 28, 2003.

This was the last posting for the year due to me becoming a grandfather and lack of responses on the site. Better luck next year.


"He who criticizes is demoted! It's back to the Chippendale's for you, fella!!Now are you puckering up for a kiss in this picture or are you just doing a cat call??AND, I see that you took your ring off. Hmmmm, interesting."

I figured if a group attack failed, I'd try attacking individuals. Besides, Dave made the mistake of mentioning the "p" word, so I had to accept the challenge. Posted February 23, 2003.
" No comment necessary!! LOL "

Ok, I never went to England to take this picture. Just trying to stir up some conversation. There were just two comments and that was it. I guess you could say I failed. Posted January 8, 2003.
"I got this wonderful picture of the Royal Guard on parade. Even though I do not have any English blood in me, there was something very familiar about these guys. "

It's a new year, 2003. I can't let this plaid thing die. This is my favorite post to date. It's Pope Paul II thanking me for the plaid outfit I gifted him with. He was very gracious in giving me an audience. I am even in the picture! Note how happy he is with the gift! Posted January 3, 2003.
"Since no one else has anything interesting to add to this site, I thought I'd bore you with some pictures from my various travels and vacations. Here is a picture of Pope Paul II thanking me for my extremely generous gift. You can just see the joy in his face for being the recipient of such a great gift. I just don't understand why he doesn't use it more often."

Things are definitely slowing down. This has turned into a running joke now due to lack of input material from the rest of the "staff".
I was unable to attend the 35th reunion, but I wanted to make sure that those who did, were not left out. Hence this picture, posted December 15, 2002.